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Month: May 2023

Check out our blog posts and resource links for the latest information on substance abuse. No matter the type of drug use, Spring Hill Recovery Center offers physical and mental health treatment services that can help you or a loved one achieve sobriety. Use of either of these substances can cause strong cravings for the drug, and can quickly lead to addiction. As previously mentioned, the drug has the capacity to block the nerve’s voltage-gated sodium channels, thus preventing the conduction of the nervous impulse.

What is an Opioid?

Whereas, heroin, is an opioid drug and belongs to the class of compounds known as opioids or opiates. Both crack and heroin are also linked to cardiovascular problems, although the former is more likely to than the latter. Heroin and cocaine impact the cardiovascular system because both contain chemicals that aren’t meant to enter the bloodstream. These contaminants and toxins block the veins and arteries in the heart, preventing the flow of blood ecstasy detox symptoms timeline medications and treatment and making it more difficult for the heart to function properly. Reduced contraction of the heart, slowed heart rate (bradycardia), dilation of blood vessels (vasodilation), and an infection of the heart valves and linings (infectious endocarditis) are all common side effects of heroin and cocaine use. People use heroin by snorting, smoking, or injecting it, all of which produce the same side effects but at different intensities and rates.

  1. The present review aims to provide an informative overview of the available data on cocaine physicochemical properties and detection methods, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, effects and toxicity, patterns of abuse as well as its prevalence.
  2. AEME can be further hydrolysed by hCE1 into ED, or into ecgonidine ethyl ester (EDEE) when alcohol is present [62].
  3. They offer support and treatments that work for your life, helping you step away from addiction towards a healthier future.
  4. Of particular relevance, the co-consumption of cocaine and alcohol leads to the formation of CE, a transesterification product of both drugs.
  5. Monthly depot formulation (e.g., for the treatment ofalcoholism, and more recently for the prevention of relapse to opioid dependence followingdetoxification), has powerful MOP-r antagonist effects.

Pharmacogenetics of methadone maintenance treatment

People often snort cocaine, though it can also be smoked or dissolved in water for injection. The debate about heroin vs. cocaine touches on their intense but differing effects on the brain and body, highlighting the danger and addiction potential of both. Fortunately, numerous rehabs in Florida offer specialized programs to combat addiction, providing hope for those struggling. Engaging with these facilities can mark the first step towards recovery and a healthier, drug-free life.

Cocaine Overdose Symptoms, Signs, Prevention, and Addiction Treatment

Twenty-six rats were housed in the self-administration chambers (thus, they were tested at home), whereas 30 rats lived in distinct home cages and were transferred to self-administration chambers only for the self-administration session (thus, they were tested outside the home). The rats were then allowed to choose repeatedly between heroin and cocaine within the same session for seven sessions. The literature reports on numerous mechanisms to explain the toxicity of cocaine at the cardiovascular level. Firstly, by interfering with the reuptake of catecholamines and indirectly acting over α- and β-adrenergic receptors, cocaine can induce vasoconstriction of the coronary arteries and markedly increases oxygen demands by speeding up the heart rate and stimulating contractility of the heart. Moreover, the induced increase of endothelin-1 (a vasoconstrictor) and reduction in the production of nitric oxide (a vasodilator) creates an imbalance that favours vasoconstriction [96]. Consequently, oxygen supply to tissues decreases, with myocardial ischemia and acute myocardial infarction as possible outcome (Figure 5) [97,98].

Overdose is a major concern with heroin, as it can lead to respiratory arrest and death. Cocaine remains to this day a matter of concern for public health, as it holds strong as the second most used illicit substance in most countries. Whether it is in the form of cocaine powder or ‘crack’ cocaine, its prevalence and use by individuals from all walks of life should be taken seriously as it will not spare users from the inherent toxicity of the drug’s use. While the short-term effects of cocaine may include increased energy and a sense of confidence, it also carries serious health risks.

For cocaine, there’s no medicine substitute, but cognitive behavioral therapy and support groups can help you change your habits and find support. Both drugs are serious, but with professional guidance and a solid plan, recovery is within reach. Both drugs share the risk of spreading diseases like HIV and hepatitis because of needle sharing.

Injection of 0.56 ml/kg of Zoletil 100® (Virbac, Carros, France), containing tiletamine (50 mg/ml) and zolazepam (50 mg/ml). Using standard surgical procedures, the double-lumen catheters were inserted into the right jugular vein, so as to reach the right atrium with its proximal end, and was then secured to the surrounding soft tissues with silk thread. The distal end of the double-lumen catheters was passed subcutaneously in front of the left shoulder, externalized through a small incision at the nape of the neck, and connected to two L-shaped 22-gauge cannulas. The cannula was then secured to the rat’s skull using dental cement and stainless steel screws.

The FDA reports that unwanted effects of and bad reactions to tianeptine are increasing, noting that poison control center cases involving tianeptine exposure have increased nationwide. The number of total cases jumped from 11 cases between 2000 to 2013 to 151 cases in 2020. The origin of heroin is derived from poppy plants, spread throughout many Asian and European regions. Because of such, it is also therapeutically used for the management of severe pain among hospital patients. After having a shot of heroin, you’ll feel more relaxed, and move a little slower than normal.

As such, it was hypothesised that, similar to amphetamines, cocaine functions as a negative allosteric modulator of DAT (i.e., a DAT ‘inverse agonist’), altering transporter function and reversing transport direction [86]. However, more research is necessary in this area to further clarify cocaine pharmacodynamics. Schematic representation of cocaine’s interaction with voltage-gated sodium channels. Cocaine enters the channels and binds to them by two pathways (hydrophilic and hydrophobic).

This blockage compromises intracardial signal conduction, which results in a prolonged QRS interval, leading to dysrhythmia [95,96]. Additionally, a delay in ventricular depolarization ensues, ultimately causing a decrease of the left ventricular function [99]. Furthermore, post-acute withdrawal syndrome symptoms, treatment the inhibition of the sodium currents could lead to a distortion of sodium-calcium extra-intracellular exchange with a subsequent decrease in the contractility of cardiomyocytes, due to low calcium cardiomyocyte cytosolic concentrations (Figure 3) [75].

It is usually injected, smoked, or snorted, and its effects can last for several hours. Both drugs carry significant health risks and can lead to severe physical and psychological dependence. The opioid peptide β-EP (primarily a MOP-r agonist) is distributed in the hypothalamusand mesocorticolimbic regions, including the NAc. Because activation of MOP-r by β-EP isrewarding and modulates the NAc dopamine release (77),β-EP may be involved in the reinforcing effects of drugs of abuse (78).

Creating engaging community activities provides healthy alternatives that keep young minds busy and away from drugs. Also, making mental health and addiction treatment more accessible can address the underlying causes of drug use. These efforts, combined with supportive policing and policies that focus on recovery, can significantly reduce drug abuse.

Further research is necessary to determine the neurobiological correlates of cocaine versus heroin reward in rats. However, it is of some interest that within-subject single-unit electrophysiology experiments in rats have shown that heroin and cocaine self-administration engage distinct neuronal populations in the terminal regions of the mesostriatal dopamine system (Chang et al. 1998). Moreover, studies using chemical lesions (Pettit et al. 1984; Gerrits and Van Ree 1996), dopamine receptor antagonists (Ettenberg et al. 1982), and RNA-interference of dopamine D1 receptors (Pisanu et al. 2015) have shown differential involvement of the dopaminergic system in cocaine versus heroin self-administration. At the beginning of each choice session, both levers were extended and the respective cue lights turned on.

In the hydrophobic pathway cocaine interacts with the sodium channel at the membrane level, alternatively in hydrophilic pathway, the cocaine is ionized in cytoplasm before the interaction. In both cases, the flow of sodium is blocked, which diminishes the propagation of electrical impulses and causes a local anaesthetic effect. The anaesthetic action of cocaine is related to its capacity to block voltage-gated sodium channels best drug addiction treatment centers of 2023 by stabilizing these channels in an inactive state (Figure 3). The binding of cocaine to the channel’s pore prevents sodium from flowing through it into the cells and thus blocking the depolarization process and the propagation of the electrical impulses [1,24,75]. It can still be used as a topical anaesthetic, which might be particularly useful for endoscopic sinus surgery, given its vasoconstrictive effects.

As a result, most heroin users die from respiratory depression, which occurs most commonly during a heroin overdose. Unfortunately, out of cocaine and heroin, only heroin has an antidote for overdose. Heroin is a street drug of the opioid class derived from morphine, a substance that is extracted from the seed pod of the opium poppy plant. Heroin is a highly addictive and illegal drug in most places, including the United States. It may be sold in the form of a white or brown powder, or a black sticky substance called black tar heroin. Recognizing and addressing the unique treatment needs for heroin and cocaine addiction is crucial for successful recovery.

Не существует определенного утра или даже неба, в котором можно было бы без риска получить более высокие выплаты в видеоиграх онлайн-казино. Сегодня заработок зависит только от удачи и от того, насколько полно вы владеете банкроллом.

Тем не менее, лучшая эпоха, которую стоит попробовать, — это суббота, поездки в отпуск и запуск контейнера.

While alcoholism has devastating effects on a person’s health and social environment, there are medical and psychological ways to treat the problem. The limbic system consists of areas of the brain called the hippocampus and septal area. As alcohol affects this system, the person is subject to exaggerated states of emotion (anger, aggressiveness, withdrawal) and memory phencyclidine wikipedia loss. So, because the body can only eliminate about one dose of alcohol per hour, drinking several drinks in an hour will increase your BAC much more than having one drink over a period of an hour or more. Its interfer- ence with the dopamine pathway was reported in 1997 (9), and a series of subsequent clinical trials have shown a high degree of efficacy (10).

Digital health technology shows promise for efforts to address drinking among youth

Alcohol exerts various effects on our CNS in various ways, the common ones being depression of the CNS, destruction of the brain cells, contraction of the tissues of the brain, suppression of the excitatory nerve pathway activity, neuronal injury, etc [3]. Alcohol’s impact on the functioning of the brain ranges from mild and anxiolytic disinhibitory effects, motor incoordination, sedation, emesis, amnesia, hypnosis and ultimately unconsciousness [4]. The synaptic transmission is heavily disturbed and altered by ethanol, and the intrinsic excitability in various areas of the brain is also compromised. The effects of ethanol may be pre-synaptic, post-synaptic, and at times, non-synaptic too. Alcohol being a psychotropic depressant of the CNS exerts a deeply profound impact on the neurons, which alters the biological and behavioural well-being of the one who consumes it by the promotion of interference in various neuronal pathways [5].

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Alcohol withdrawal symptoms may include anxiety, tremors, nausea, insomnia, and, in severe cases, seizures and delirium tremens. Although up to 50% of individuals with alcohol use disorder present with some withdrawal symptoms after stopping drinking, only a small percentage requires medical treatment for detoxification, and some individuals may be able to reduce their drinking spontaneously. Medical treatment may take place either in an outpatient or, when clinically indicated, inpatient setting. In some cases, clinical monitoring may suffice, typically accompanied by supportive care for hydration and electrolytes and thiamine supplementation. For those patients in need of pharmacological treatment, benzodiazepines (e.g., diazepam, chlordiazepoxide, lorazepam, oxazepam, and midazolam) are the most commonly used medications to treat alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Extended Data Fig. 4 Drinks per drinking day from pre- to post-pandemic.

  1. This increased nerve activity helps people to function normally with higher BAC; however, it also makes them irritable when they are not drinking.
  2. Even though you have seen the physical and behavioral changes, you might wonder exactly how alcohol works on the body to produce those effects.
  3. But McConnell says this relaxed atmosphere can also negatively affect early-career researchers by giving the impression that science presented at informal, drinks-laden poster sessions is less valued than that at oral sessions.
  4. The effects of ethanol may be pre-synaptic, post-synaptic, and at times, non-synaptic too.

Historically, naltrexone’s package insert has been accompanied by a risk of hepatotoxicity, a precaution primarily due to observed liver toxicity in an early clinical trial with administrating a naltrexone dosage of 300 mg per day to obese men (31). However, there is no published evidence of severe liver toxicity at the lower FDA-approved dosage of naltrexone for alcohol use disorder (50 mg per day). With respect to behavioral treatments, there are numerous opportunities for the development of novel mobile interventions that could provide treatment and recovery support in near real time.

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So, it would take approximately one hour to eliminate the alcohol from a 12 ounce (355 ml) can of beer. Conceptualization was provided by K.G.C. and A.G.C.W., methodology by K.G.C. and C.E.F., formal analysis by G.C.H. and A.G.C.W., funding acquisition by K.G.C. and investigations by G.L., K.G.C. and F.A.C.-Á. The original draft was written by K.G.C., and review and editing was provided by A.G.C.W., G.C.H., C.E.F., G.L. More resources for a variety of healthcare professionals can be found in the Additional Links for Patient Care. If you’re enjoying this article, consider supporting our award-winning journalism by subscribing. By purchasing a subscription you are helping to ensure the future of impactful stories about the discoveries and ideas shaping our world today.

These dual, powerful reinforcing effects help explain why some people drink and why some people use alcohol to excess. With repeated heavy drinking, however, tolerance develops and the ability of alcohol to produce pleasure and relieve discomfort decreases. The article is written using very basic and simple terminologies so that even a layperson who reads it would be able to understand it. For the easy acceptability and understanding of the reader, the discussion is written in such a way that almost every major system is reviewed one by one and the effect of alcohol on these systems put forward in very simple language. The study suggests that even moderate alcohol intake can cause damage to the brain, and heavy drinking makes it exponentially worse.

Naltrexone reduces craving for alcohol and has been found to be most effective in reducing heavy drinking (25). The efficacy of naltrexone in reducing relapse to heavy drinking, in comparison to placebo, has been supported in numerous meta-analyses (23–25), although there is less evidence for its efficacy in supporting abstinence (25). Fewer studies have been conducted with the extended-release formulation, but its effects on heavy drinking, craving, and quality of life are promising (29, 30). Common side effects of naltrexone may include nausea, headache, dizziness, and sleep problems.

They can also limit themselves to one or two drinks in professional settings and encourage others to do the same. “Make it really clear that when you’re socializing as part of a lab group drug addiction articles that is still part of your work. You’re still in a work setting, so you’re expected to behave with the same respect and decorum that you would in your office,” says Serrato Marks.

Similarly, a low dosage of topira- mate, a natural anticonvulsant, can be used to dampen down excitability and maintain abstinence by reducing the amount of dopamine produced in the reward pathway during alcohol consumption (8). Model estimated changes for weekend drinking quantity from pre- to post-pandemic overlaid on the raw data. Model estimated changes for weekend drinking frequency from pre- to post-pandemic overlaid on the raw data.

Moreover, chronic alcohol intake single-handedly is one of the major etiological factors in various serious diseases. Although social media is linked to increased alcohol misuse, it also holds promise for addressing alcohol misuse among college students. Dr. Steers and her team are working to develop novel interventions targeting students ages 18 to 26 who drink excessively and who are also avid social media users. As a step toward a more standardized measure for research, her team created an alcohol-related content and drinking scale ambien in which students use their alcohol-related posting behavior to recall their drinking retrospectively. The researchers are using this tool within the context of personalized normative feedback−a brief intervention that corrects perceptions of normal behavior−by giving people feedback on their self-reported drinking and their perceptions of how much they think their peers drink. But where does the college drinking culture come from and where can we draw the thin line between being in control of alcohol and having alcohol control you?

The acetic acid can be used to form fatty acids or can be further broken down into carbon dioxide and water. This activity provides 0.75 CME/CE credits for physicians, physician assistants, nurses, pharmacists, and psychologists, as well as other healthcare professionals whose licensing boards accept APA or AMA credits. Scientific American is part of Springer Nature, which owns or has commercial relations with thousands of scientific publications (many of them can be found at /us). Scientific American maintains a strict policy of editorial independence in reporting developments in science to our readers. “This can increase the metabolism of alcohol in the liver. It can mean it is metabolised faster.” Muscle has more water than fat, so alcohol will be diluted more in a person with more muscle tissue.

Despite the popularity of alcoholic beverages the world over, their potential dangers play a sinister leitmotif in human history. Wine might gladden the heart, according to biblical psalmists, but it could also sting like an adder. The great Chinese Shang emperors of the late second millennium B.C.E. are said to have succumbed to too much drink, going crazy and committing suicide. Prohibition movements inevitably rose up to meet the challenge in various parts of the world, from India, where Buddhism emphasized meditative techniques for gaining transcendence, to the more recent attempts in 19th- and 20th-century America and Europe to stamp out alcohol consumption altogether. This long and often polarizing history is described in this in-depth collection of articles from the Scientific American archives.

Rozpoczęliśmy budowę inwestycji MLP Business Park Berlin I. Atutem projektu jest jego miejska lokalizacja, zaledwie 20 km od centrum Berlina. Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z zawarcia transakcji z wiodącą instytucją finansową. Bank udzielając nam wsparcia pozytywnie ocenił nasz model biznesowy i realizowane projekty inwestycyjne.

Wszystko wynajęte

W zawartej transakcji najemcę reprezentowała firma doradcza Cresa. Spółka jest notowana na GPW od 2013 r. Jej skonsolidowane przychody wyniosły 360,8 mln zł w 2023 r. Deweloper otrzymał właśnie od ING Banku Śląskiego kredyt w wysokości 26,8 mln EUR.

Christopher Mertlitz o obecnym i przyszłym rynku inwestycyjnym Europy

Na terenie parku powstaje infrastruktura dla rowerzystów, stacje ładowania samochodów elektrycznych oraz domki dla owadów. Deweloper w części biurowej zastosuje przeszklenia, które zwiększą dostęp do światła dziennego i zapewnią pracownikom lepsze warunki pracy. – Powoli zbliżamy się do zapełnienia całego parku MLP Poznań West. W ramach docelowej powierzchni mamy do dyspozycji jeszcze kilka tysięcy metrów kwadratowych. MLP Poznań West jest jednym z najbardziej popularnych centrów logistycznych w naszym portfolio. Najemcom zapewniamy wysoki standard obiektów, przy jednoczesnym wdrażaniu rozwiązań wpływających na ochronę środowiska.

MLP Group Poznań West będzie jeszcze większy

Jej zastosowanie jest szczególnie istotne w obiektach, w których proces produkcji czy eksploatacji odbywa się nieprzerwalnie np. W budynkach z kontrolowaną temperaturą, czy obiektach produkcyjnych. MLP Group zawarło transakcję z ING Bankiem Śląskim SA. Firma deweloperska MLP Group zakupiła dodatkowe 6 hektarów gruntów sąsiadujących z centrum logistycznym MLP Poznań West.


Powierzchni magazynowo-biurowej w Fortress Logistics Parku Bydgoszcz. Firma zajmie w obiekcie około6,6 tys. 7R Park Poznań West został w całości wynajęty. Ostatni najemcy to Still – dostawca wózków widłowych i technologii magazynowych oraz Cycle – firma oferująca usługi dla rowerów elektrycznych. Obie firmy zajmą łącznie 6,8 tys. 7R rozpoczęło współpracę z Wood & Company.

MLP Group z finansowaniem od ING Bank Śląski

Deweloper planuje bud … Okam zakończył dialog o I etapie planowanej inwestycji F.S.O. Park. W sześciu spotkaniach wzięło udział łącznie 109 osób. Dodatkowo zostały zgłoszone … Rynek najmu oraz rynek inwestycyjny w Polsce może rozwinąć się szybciej dzięki wprowadzeniu REIT-ów.

Kilka miesięcy później oddane zostaną do użytkowania powierzchnie biurowe i socjalne liczące blisko 500 mkw. Globalny operator logistyczny Mainfreight Poland zostanie najemcą rozbudowywanego parku logistycznego MLP Poznań West. Firma będzie korzystać łącznie z blisko 3,2 tys. Nowoczesnej powierzchni.

Pierwsze z nich już zostały otwarte. Photon Energy Group pozyskało 15 mln euro wielotranszowego finansowania z EBOR. Fundusze ostaną wykorzystane Na budowę sześciu elektrowni fotowoltaicznych w Rumunii o łącznej mocy 29 MWp. KNF zatwierdziła prospekt nowego programu emisji obligacji Cavatina Holding, co pozwala spółce wyemitować obligacje o łącznej wartości do 150 mln zł (lub równowartość tej kwoty w EUR). CTP rozszerza swoją współpracę z rumuńską firmą kurierską Cargus,  która otworzyła swoją nową placówkę w parku logistycznym w Sybinie.

Infrastruktury komunikacyjnej czy placówki edukacyjnej. Euro Styl rozpoczął sprzedaż mieszkań w kolejnych dwóch budynkach osiedla Synteza na Morenie w Gdańsku. W ofercie jest ponad 140 mieszkań z terminem odbioru w III kwartale 2026 roku.

Wszystkie nowo powstające budynki objęte są systemem certyfikacji BREEAM. Dużą zaletą dla najemców jest również lokalizacja w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie aglomeracji poznańskiej” – powiedział Tomasz Pietrzak, Leasing Director Poland w MLP Group S.A. Deweloper MLP Group rozpoczął rozbudowę MLP Poznań West.

  1. Agencja Sempire, będąca częścią grupy Shoper, zdecydowała się na wynajem 600 mkw.
  2. Powierzchni wyposażonej w najnowocześniejszy sprzęt z zakresu technologii logistycznych.
  3. Centrum powstaje zgodnie z zasadami zrównoważonego rozwoju.
  4. I finansowanie budowy kolejnych 21,7 tys.
  5. Jej skonsolidowane przychody wyniosły 360,8 mln zł w 2023 r.

Montowanie na dachach budynków instalacji fotowoltaicznych, a także pomp ciepła do ogrzewania zarówno hal magazynowych i budynków biurowych. Wdrażane jest zarządzanie centrum logistycznym i monitoring systemów obiektowych w oparciu o eksploatacyjny Darmowe turnieje od FOREX MMCIS Group – Globe Trader model informacyjny (ang. – Asset Information Model). Technologia ta wykorzystywana jest do usprawnienia procesów eksploatacyjnych poprzez integrację z systemami automatyki budynkowej BMS (ang. – Building Management System).

Powierzchni została zawarta z firmą Mainfreight Poland. Na cele magazynowe przeznaczone będzie ponad 2,7 tys. Zgodnie z planem gotowy obiekt zostanie przekazany na początku bieżącego roku.

Centrum handlowe Power Park Opole przeszło pod opiekę Sierra Balmain. Spółka odpowiedzialna będzie za zarządzanie nieruchomością o łącznej powierzchni … W Garbe Parku FxPro Group Limited jest brokerem Forex. FxPro centrum transakcji Recenzje w Boršovie otwarta została druga w Czechach fabryka szwajcarskiej firmy Taconova Group. Nowa lokalizacja zajmuje powierzchnię około 9,3 tys. Still wynajmie 4 tys.

Jego budowa ruszyła w 2019 roku. Obecnie zagospodarowana została cała dotychczasowa działka, na której dostępnych jest ponad 140 tys. Powierzchni magazynowych i biurowych. Wszystkie przestrzenie zostały w 100 proc. Za realizację wszystkich obiektów magazynowych w ramach projektu MLP Poznań West odpowiedzialna była spółka W.P.I.P.

M2 i finansowanie budowy kolejnych 21,7 tys. M2 hal magazynowych w ramach parków logistycznych MLP Poznań oraz MLP Poznań II. Mamy natomiast kolejnych chętnych do prowadzenia tu swojej działalności – mówi Agnieszka Góźdź, członek zarządu, chief cevelopment officer w MLP Group.

MLP Group podpisało umowę na zakup działki w Dąbrówce po zachodniej stronie Poznania. Pozyskane 6 hektarów gruntów sąsiaduje z rozbudowywanym i bardzo popularnym wśród najemców centrum logistycznym Że wszystkie udane systemy handlowe. Będzie możliwe wybudowanie na nich dodatkowych 30 tys. Nowoczesnej powierzchni magazynowej. W efekcie docelowa powierzchnia komercyjna kompleksu logistycznego zwiększy się tym samym do ponad 170 tys.

Firma rekrutacyjna Hays Poland zajęła w obiekcie przestrzeń biurową o powierzchni 260 mkw. Agencja Sempire, będąca częścią grupy Shoper, zdecydowała się na wynajem 600 mkw. GDDKiA podpisała umowę z firmą Budimex na budowę II etapu obwodnicy Sanoka w ciągu drogi krajowej nr 28. Wartość kontraktu to 152,3 mln zł. Żabka w miejscowościach turystycznych uruchomi latem ponad 140 sklepów sezonowych, czyli o blisko 20 proc. Więcej niż w 2023 roku.

Obiekt o powierzchni 7 tys. Znajduje się w parku logistycznym HelloParks Maglód, zlokalizowanym w pobliżu lotniska w Budapeszcie. VGP, deweloper powierzchni logistycznych i półprzemysłowych, rozpoczął budowę trzeciej hali w VGP Park Bucharest North (A3).

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